so...666words, yeah.

Nov 28, 2009 17:32

OK, so I didn't stick with even my lax standards for 666words. Does this mean I just give up on writing as I have before?

Eh, no. I like writing non-fictionally, like spinning out an argument or idea rather than a narrative. I found myself thinking, do I write a piece of fiction or a letter to the newspaper? (And then usually doing neither.) Well, right now the letters to the newspaper, & the story I tell about my world, may be more important. But I still hope to somehow use fiction to talk about things where I can.

Maybe non-fiction is more my speed, though. I've believed for some time I am more an essayist (or in fiction circles a critic) than a storyteller. And that's OK. Getting to my actual point & all that.

So maybe that's the new thing. Just getting myself to write about what I actually believe.

Of course a lot of that won't be on this journal.

The trick is to write something, & just to bulldoze through it. Ironically, I can write more (to post places I like to read things) by reading less.
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