A few days ago Graham, his roommate, and I went to Suma Veggie Cafe on Arapaho. As we were leaving, I noticed a large photograph of a woman in her 40s-50s above the cashier/manager, who was probably in her 60s-70s. Thinking that perhaps it is her in her young days, I inquired about it. Turns out that it was a photograph of
Suma Ching Hai, the inspiration for the restaurant's cuisine, and the woman for whom it was named. I received a sample booklet called "The Key of Immediate Enlightenment", which was an English version of Suma Ching Hai's philosophy through interviews and excerpts from her writings.
Although I plan to read it seriously, the first two pages are humorous:
A Little Message
Note: Master's new terminology for God so that they represent both sexes are as follows:
SHE + HE becomes HES = hes (like in mess).
HER + HIM becomes HIRM = hirm (like in firm).
HERS + HIS becomes HIERS = hiers (like in beers).
Example: When God wants, Hes makes things happen according to Hiers will to suit Hirm.
On the next page:
Contents and words in this book are permeated with Grace and Blessings of Master. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior permission of Master or the publisher, so as to protect the pirate from committing bad karmic cause.
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