Aug 30, 2010 16:40

Not going to lie, I put off watching both this and last week's episode for ages both because it meant the series ending and the huge feeling of Bad End the past episodes had been exuding.

But I manned up! Here goes.

Recap from last episode. Philip is gone, the mourning begins here.

Fast-forward by one year! Shoutarou is working by himself now.

'Alright, that's all the keywords I need! All that's left is to call my partner.'

Even if he sometimes forgets he does.

'Let's go, Philip. [...] Force of habit again.'

Or all the time.

We see that Shoutarou uses the Driver Philip gave him to fight by himself:

Kamen Rider Joker.


It's made painfully obvious that Shoutarou hasn't gotten over the loss one ounce when Akiko unintentionally confronts him with a recording of Philip's voice using the frog gadget.

You can hit me with this! Oh, Aki-chan, you are precious.

Shoutarou then disappears into Philip's lab, where the notes of their last case together from one year ago remain.

Dem abandonment issues.

Intermission! Stupid sexy Terui Ryuu. One year has passed and you start to wonder whether he was born in that leather suit. But don't you ask him.

Some stuff happens that's not very important and then Energy shoots Shoutarou. From behind.

We remember this from the episode preview cliffhanger.

Will Shoutarou die on us as well? Is this how Double ends?

You don't realize until later that Wakana taking action here happened one year ago. The buildup continues.

Nee-san I want to touch your hair forever.

Xtreme Memory comes to Shoutarou's rescue! It caught the bullet for him and starts releasing what I have lovingly dubbed Matrix Barf. You remember it.

'Ya, Shoutarou.'

Baw. :')

SO WHERE DID THIS POTENTIAL HAPPY END COME FROM? Time for a flashbacksplanation.

"I couldn't stand to watch your partner's pathetic weeping so I decided to give up my body to recreate you." Basically.

I dare you guys to tell me my awesome sister doesn't care.

The last family reunion! This time decidedly more safe than the Sonozaki dinner. There are parting words and tears.

The price for this happy end: Philip is now not an amnesiac but an orphan. (Hint hint these guys are all appable hint.)

Sudasadface compels you.

Back to the present--


And with this reunion, Double concludes. Clearly biased as I am, this is where I tell you it's my absolute favorite Kamen Rider.

You better respect.

i take everything seriously, discuss go go go, spoilers, shoutarou is the biggest woobie, ooc, recent w, screencap dump

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