Jul 11, 2008 19:26
I got this email yesterday:
"Ah! The enchilada comment made me cringe and laugh. Mostly laugh- I hate to admit. I thought you and your readers might enjoy a free razor. I'm writing on behalf of Schick and I'd love to send you out one of their new Quattro Titanium Trimmers..."
It took me a good 60 seconds to figure out what in the world was going on with this email... Until I figured out that someone had gotten my email from this very blog and was referencing the "Enchilada Abortion" posting from a month or two ago.
I thought: Either this is a really savvy spammer robot, or else someone actually read my blog and thought that the "Enchilada abortion" guy might make a good sales rep for Schick Quattro. The emailer offered me some sort of fancy razor if I would mention it on my blog. This strikes me as a lot of work reading blogs and writing emails for very little pay off. But it worked on me... I responded and gave my seminary mailbox as a mailing address in case this dude is going to junk mail the hell out of me, or try and stalk me to see how well shaven I am.
Ironically, I actually have been buying the disposable Schick Quattro for a few months now (but this free Quattro will be a much nicer than my 'low-end' Quattro). So perhaps this very perceptive emailer sensed my innate kinship with the Schick Quattro line of products.
I have not yet received this razor, nor do I know if it is any good. But, readers of Teenage Fatherhood Digest, know this: Schick Quattro has some hard-working PR flacks emailing overtime to get out the news about their razors, which is more than I can say about those lazy $#*@*! at Bic or Gillette.
In other news, my iPod shuffle died, so if Mac wants to get out the word about their new, obscure line of iPods, this blogger will post about anything nicer than a disposable razor.