Oct 26, 2005 23:28
This is it--this is the last thing I will post on here that has some substantial significance in my life...basically lj has caused me more worries and stress than I ever thought that it would be. A friend wanted to send another friend something I wrote on here-and I do not like that feeling. I never thought about how sketch this place is--ya know, where like, anyone in the WORLD can read my deepest thoughts, and I may never know that they know about some things not even some of my closest friends know about?? CREEPY! So my friend definately made me frustrated--but that's because I am a high strung, emotional person...my english teacher and I like to call it "passion"...even though sometimes it is just anal-ness...or distrust. I am not at a place where myspace can be healthy for me. I am healing from previous years in my life where I have been broken--and myspace isnt going to heal those wounds. As Carol said it, "Jesus is the only one to heal you Kel. Stop turning to ljor a friend to heal you. Lay at the feet of Jesus. Pray about what you should do." So here I am, kinda sad that i have 'nothing' to vent to--even though I have Jesus. It's different though. Oh well-I am sure my relationship with God will grow so much more immenesly!
No worries though-I will still get onto lj and leave comments and stay in touch that way. Ok, I am done. Later
Haha--ok, so I pasted that directly off of a 'myspace bulletin' I wrote--I may write more on here than mysapce--because then my friend cant read it...I dunno. I hvent been very consistent with this though