trasdockan wrote
The Fairy-Files: All I want for X-mas" [MSR|PG|Humour]
huffle_the_puff wrote
To Burn [Ed Jerse/Scully, MS UST|NC17|NA]
suchreverie wrote
The Durability-Tested Bathroom Stall of the Darryl Zanuck Theater [MSR|NC17|HAD]
valz1013 wrote
Don't Speak [MSR|R|IWTB]
xf_drabble is writing
Holiday (of any kind!) drabbles Fic Searches, Discussions and Recs
britt_the_nerd was looking for and found
an 1950's AU and a Christmas Wiliam fic Rewatches
xf_rewatch will be viewing IWTB on December 30th
trustno1_redux is
looking for fanworks for The Walktrustno1_redux posted
the 2Shy recap Media
anniemarie75 posted
Tribute to Alex Krycek and His Alter Egos a Krycek vid.
mscreations posted
2 IWTB collages News
David has been nominated for both a Golden Globe AND a SAG award!
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