Mar 16, 2011 12:28 they came and then they'll go in a little while, back to their work place in Qatar. It has been a month-long-suffocating-avoiding-scene with the wife... and we're all good actors and actresses having to last each other this long.
Finally, we can breathe and talk freely again even over the phone...
It really takes two to tango... there are causes and effect... on why things have become like this... I'm not justifying our being cold hosts because of the things that happened but but but but... ughhh!
I can't even rant in FB about her nor my other siblings, nor my Titas... 'cause we're all in FB and aniki would know it and it'll be him who'll mostly get hurt if we all react negatively towards the wife.... or may because we still want to give it a chance that's why we're all keeping it from him and we talk to ourselves only...
One day everything's going to be alright... I don't want to talk about it to other people because it's a family matter... and we should fix it among ourselves... to fix it, attitude must change, and I meant hers... if others were to know here side maybe they'll say were bad people... but ask for both our sides then you'll agree we have our point... we really were raised differently... I'm not saying we were raised superiorly from how she was raised because it would be very unfair and rude for her parents... it's just that good manners and right conduct should always be within you...
Lesson: "iba ang mataray sa bastos"...."iba ang mahiyain sa bastos"... "iba ang suplada sa bastos"... and bastos here I meant being disrespectful (in any way towards people), if they want to be understood if they are type-casted as such when they get disrespectful towards a person, they redeem themselves (and they should) by being nice in one way or another (at another day, time...) if they have offended a person by being like this... but if it continues then maybe you're just a person who doesn't care much about people and you're a person who thinks that people will understand you because you are typecasted as such... when does being mahiyain become a bad thing? it's when you have offended someone and you instantly become disrespectful because of that and the worst thing is "you didn't realize it" until you were given a cold shoulder.