Nov 15, 2008 16:48
I just submitted this on the transition website:
Dear Mr. President-Elect:
If there was one resounding message from the voters this year, in both parties' primaries and in the general election, it was this: We do not want our politics to be dominated by bitter partisanship. In both major parties, the primary voters picked the candidate most likely to run a general-election campaign based on mutual respect, the candidate who as president would be most likely to "bind up the wounds of the nation" rather than pouring salt in them. And then in the general election, the candidate who, together with his supporters, had run the more civil of the two campaigns won -- you, sir.
Now I hear it bruited about that you are considering Sen. Clinton for the most prestigious job in the Cabinet. Sen. Clinton, while she has many devoted fans, is one of the most hated political figures in the country. She knows nothing about unity, only about division. She has stood on the national stage for nearly two decades as a hate-filled and hate-inspiring symbol of the politics of personal aggrandizement, executive-branch arrogance, and mutual contempt between Blue and Red America.
If this White House is to be a symbol of a united America, Sen. Clinton should not be allowed across its threshold in the job of shoeshine girl, let alone secretary of state.