wow... its 245 am... I need sleeping pills or someting...

Aug 01, 2005 02:46

1.smoked a cigarette? nope

2.smoked a cigar - no, but I smelled like one once...

3.made out with a member of the same sex ? no

4.crashed a friend's car ? no

5.stolen a car ? no

6.been in love? ummm... sort of?

7.been dumped ? yepp

8.shoplifted ? nope, dont have the guts to go through with it...

9.been fired? sort of, does not being asked to babysit because their child was injured while in my care count?

10.been in a fist fight ? psht, I wish!

11.snuck out of ur house? not possible, you hear EVERYTHING in my house... it sucks.

12.had feelings for someone who didnt have them back? yep, so sad haha

13.been arrested ? no

14.made out with a stranger? nope

15.gone on a blind date ? no

16.lied to a friend? who hasn't?

17.had a crush on a teacher? ew no

18.skipped school ? nope

19.slept with a co-worker? no...

20.seen someone die ? no... but when dumbledore died, I was mucho depressed...

21.been on a plane? heck yes...

22.thrown up in a bar ? no

23.taken painkillers? yeah someone or miss someone right now? wow, yes, unbeleiveably

25.laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by ? yep

26.made a snow angel ? of course!

27.played dress up? psht, ive been to dress up parties! (anyone wanna have one with me before school starts?)

28.cheated while playing a game? umm... yes?

29.been lonely ? yes

30.fallen asleep at work/school ? yes

31.used a fake id? no

32.felt an earthquake? no

33.touched a snake? mmhmm...

34.ran a red light? i cant drive...

35.been suspended from school? no

36.had detention ? jr. high, the one time I didnt study for a quiz thing, if you failed you got a detention, thankyou mr. bychowski!

38.hated the way you look? yeah

39.witnessed a crime? this one time, it was broad daylight, and this man walked up to my house, opened the mini van door, and tried to steal all of out cds and robbies diaper bag cuz he thought it was a purse, my dad chased him down and tackled him at sunset park...

40.pole danced ? umm... no comment

41.been lost? yes

42.been to the opposite side of the country? california here we come, right back where we started from

43.felt like dying? yeah, but not often

44.cried yourself to sleep? yes

45.played cops and robbers? heck yes I did! and Ill do it again too! just watch me!

46.karaoke ? yeah! this morning, i woke up to my neighbors at pretty lakes church group doing christian karaoke...

47.done something you told yourself you wouldn't? yeah

48.laughed till some kind of beverage came out of your nose? haha yeah

49.caught a snowflake on your tongue? yeah!

50.kissed in the rain ? I wish

51.sing in the shower? yeah!

52.made love in a park ? nope

53.had a dream that you married someone ? yeah, christy (jk, it was adam brody)
54.glued your hand to something? everytime i try to glue something... your tongue stuck to a flag pole? no, but that was the best scene in a christmas story!

56.worn the opposite sex's clothes? yeah

57.been a cheerleader ? no, cant cartwheel either, its sad

58.sat on a roof top ? yes

59.didn't take a shower for a week ? this week actually, but its okay, cuz at the lake, we just sort of bathe in the water... its cool

60.ever too scared to watch scary movies alone ? yeah definatly

61.played chicken ? no

62.been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on ? yeah! not cool honeyrock kids! not cool!

63.been told you're hot by a complete stranger ? this one time I was walking with christy, and we were both wearing skirts on the shorter side... and we walked past these three ghetto guys, so yeah...

64.broken a bone? no (knock on wood)

65.been easily amused ? hahaha yeah

66.laugh so hard you cry? yeah i love that! (Lucy does this alot... "STEIG GOT DRUNK!" loo, how was that funny?)

67.mooned/flashed someone ? ohhhhhhhhhhh yeah...

68.cheated on a test? yeah, im ashamed haha

69.forgotten someone's name ? yeah, it happens to everyone

70.slept naked? no, my parents usually wake me up... awkward

71.gone skinny dipping in a pool? no, one of my life goals though...

72.been kicked out of your house ? no, but out of a car yes

73.blacked out from drinking ? no

74.played a prank on someone? yea

75.gone to a late night movie ? yep

76.made love to anything not human? heck yes I did! and its name is jamie! (Just kidding!)
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