I Saw Myself (Peter/Felicia)

Apr 26, 2010 22:40

Title: A Look in the Mirror and the Surprise that Came With It
Rating: G
Pairing: Peter/Felicia
Prompts: Far 'Water and Solutions'
Summary: Felicia matures over time
AN: for jtav who asked if Peter/Felicia was too much to ask. Written in the time it took to start and finish the Water and Solutions album, then edited while listening to Washed Out. Sorry for the lateness of the fic. If there's a piece in this you want to see expanded a bit, then let me know and I'll see what I can do :)

Bury White

Everything happens so much faster here. There’s never time to reflect or really do anything but react. Dodge, parry, return, triumph. Felicia likes it that way. Those times in her office going over company reports are lost, dead to her, nothing but a shell of the life she really feels and loves.

Even here though she’s reminded how much there is still left to achieve. Spiderman’s just a bit a quicker, a bit faster, a bit more good, so she flirts with him, winks, fights anything to prove she’s comfortable in her own skin.

Really Here

“Hello, there,” she says as she lands behind him without making a sound. She likes the look of surprise his body betrays to her.

“Blackcat,” he says. She likes the way it sounds on his voice. Without disdain, without making her feel like she’s just some kid trying to partner with her older brother.

“It’s a quite night. Fancy a run around town?” Its asked with confidence she doesn’t completely feel.


And they’re off.

Water & Solutions

“Felicia,” he says for the fifteenth time. He knows so many ways around this. He could leave, could bust the door open, could come in through the window he knows she leaves open on cool spring nights like this.

“This isn’t going to work, Peter.” His name is equated with poison in the way she says it.

He should be mad right now, but he can’t do it. “I’m coming in, one way or another.”

Mother Mary

It’s all she can do to keep from giggling like a girl with a crush as she feels his fingertips ghosting over her shoulder just as she drops three stories, firing a grappling hook onto the corner of the building as she does. The resultant arc takes her even higher than she had been and for just a minute she sees his body before it crashes into hers.

I Like It

Most women might shriek at the idea of gaining fifteen pounds and two inches of height in a matter of seconds, regardless of the fact that it was all muscle. She likes it though, likes that she doesn’t look like a victim or a helpless bystander. She is strength and grace and power.

The System

“Is it really so bad that its me?” he asks as he stands nervously in her living room.

“I think it just caught me off guard, Peter. I spent so much time thinking of you one way and then this…”

“Felicia?” he asks after an uncomfortable silence.


She wonders if he ever wanted this, to feel her head laying softly in the crook of his elbow. He sighs and turns into her, his left arm pulling her closer. His brown eyes open and she’s never seen them from this close up before.

“Morning, Parker,” she says and it feels wrong. Its not like her at all. “Peter,” she corrects herself. That’s better.

“Felicia,” he replies in that sleepy tone of his. It’s friendly and inviting. She kisses his lips.

In 2 Again

She catches herself looking at Peter more often now. The back of his head, more often than not, but the whole point is him not knowing she’s looking for him, isn’t it? It’s odd seeing him like this, knowing his other life. She can hear his clumsy laugh for what it is, see the understanding in his seemingly innocuous questions. Felicia had thought herself to be pretty decent at covering her secret identity, but Peter makes her look like the amateur she really is.

Just stalking him is harder than she thinks because every now and then she thinks about tapping him from behind and asking for a chase around the campus or a secluded district of the city . It’s a life she shares with very few, an experience that, if she were honest with herself, she only wants to share with him.


Wear It So Well

She doesn’t dislike Peter. Spider-man’s so much more interesting though. She looks at Spider-man and she sees a complete mystery, selfless and brave, but still a mystery. With Peter she sees everything she needs to know. Nice, average guy who seems more at home in a lab than, oh say, swinging in to stop a crime. Jeans and a collared shirt.

She’s not one to judge though. After all she has her share of secrets. Maybe Peter has a nice postage stamp collection on the side or a mail-order bride from the Czech Republic. She snorts at the idea.

Man Overboard

She doesn’t like his mask anymore or the mystery behind it. She likes the way his lips moves, wants to kiss them, but with that mask she just sees the moving of his jaw, has to imagine the way his face looks when he speaks to her. It’s always the first thing she pulls off of him when they’re in the Avenger’s mansion because, as silly as it sounds, she wants to talk to Peter and not always have to worry about just how badly hurt he might be after a battle or the rare time he can’t help someone.

There’s a part of her that’s proud of her growth from fan girl to superhero, from admirer to lover, but there’s the time where she wishes for just a little of the naivete and the harmless chases through the city.

Another Way Out

Really and truly she can’t complain. She’d started it after all. Inviting him to one of her family owned warehouses, removing her mask in front of him. She hears the hitch in his breathing, a sign of her beauty. It had to be.

Fair’s fair though. His mask is removed and before her is Peter Parker. Of all the possibilities and its him. She wants to laugh, tries, but only gets a strangled noise for her trouble.


She's running before he even finishes her name.

Waiting for Sunday

Peter is never sure what to tell people when they ask him how he and Felicia ever hit it off. The fact that its at their wedding that he gets this question the most makes him unsure as to whether he should be offended or if he ever really knew the people asking him the question in the first place. He understands it in a way. To look at the two of them standing beside one another they’re not an obvious match.

The people he knows, the crowds they move in that truly know them are all congratulatory. Steve Rogers tells him to be good to her. Clint and Bobbi hug the both of them, well Clint shakes his hand, but the feeling is still there.


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