Title: A Change in the Air Pairing: Draco/Ginny

Jan 11, 2010 22:40

Title: A Change in the Air
Rating: PG
Pairing: Draco/Ginny (sort of hopeful one sided)
Prompt: Us Remains Impossible
Summary: In which Draco takes stock of things and takes on a challenge
AN: done for sometimeselkie here's a link to the extra piece as well. http://creeper23.deviantart.com/art/Draco-s-Uphill-Battle-150115388

It seemed to Draco that something always kept them apart. Not that he didn’t blame himself mostly. His personality was blockade #1, though his mouth wasn’t far behind. There was a part of him that had originally thought their arguments and insults nothing more than witty banter, not unlike some of the wizarding romance novels he’d snuck from his mother’s room as a child. Those daydreams had been effectively shut down the day he realized that she really and truly hated him. On top of that he didn’t really like himself much either.

There was of course that matter with siding with his father during a war, but he’d served time. Of course, if he were to think about things from the point of view of, say, Ginny’s sort of chap, then a few years in a prison probably didn’t quite equate to the sort of trouble he’d had a hand in causing during said war. And even if the war hadn’t happened or if he’d picked her side rather than that of his father’s, well, he didn’t see her warming up to him anymore than she was now.

He was maladjusted. At least that’s what her letter had said in response to his letter, which had been sent…well, it was a long story. When he’d first read that he was maladjusted he was uncertain of what she meant. “Thankfully” she’d been kind enough to spell it out for him in case his “lack of a brain was unable to put two and two together”. He was, according to her, “emotionally deficient and otherwise rotten to the core.”

It was the last part that had gotten to him. He wouldn’t deny that he was perhaps a bit deficient when it came to emotion, but to say he was rotten through and through was going a bit far. He acted meanly, but he was good looking and after his recent fall from the heights of wizarding society he’d found that he could change, so surely there was a chance, wasn’t there?

There was the thing with Weasley’s, though; so sure of their own purity and so judgemental. And if Ronald Weasley was any clue, they apparently held to their judgements till the bitter end too. That was alright with him though. He grinned as he stood, the package on his back nearly weighing him down as he took his first few steps. He liked a challenge every now and then. Besides, Ginny didn’t have a chance when he put his mind to something.

ginny weasley, draco malfoy, draco/ginny

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