(no subject)

Dec 14, 2009 21:31

Long time, no post. I'm sorrry. I've been busy lately with lots of stand-up comedy and doing improv on wednesdays with some friends. I've also recently opened up a deviant art account, but I have to admit that I am more than a little nervous to post anything there as my arts not quite where I want it to be...but you gotta start somewhere right?

I was in a competition recently and it was actually recorded by the city paper and put on youtube so if you're interested here it is. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7Y2yFl0_Zg

Oh, I'd like to recommend a movie my wife and I saw recently called Paper Heart. I'd been wanting to see it for a while, but it hit the theatre in the fall and was gone with a couple weeks. Its a sort of documentary with a fictional romance focusing on Michael Cera and Charlyne Yi. There's some very interesting couples in the movie and I love the way she handled the stop motion animation of the stories told. There were also some cool clips of her stage show and I have to say that I'm jealous. She's 24 and has accomplished so much in her career and I still feel like I'm learning. Thankfully her collection of interviews with other comedians made me feel a bit better as I realized that almost all of them (Bill Hader, Demetri Martin, Paul Scheer, Mark Huebel, etc.) were around their 30's before they got known.

Hmm last but not least, I made a Christmas wish list.

1. Percy/Tonks prompt February 1st
2. Shino/Hana prompt March on
3. Neville/Katie prompt loves labors

How are all of you though? I have been keeping up for the most part with everyone's journal for the most part, but there might have been something I missed.

And here's another question for you: If you were to be asked on a date by a person you knew worked as a clown for kids with cancer would you accept though you knew full well that they worked late hours and would show up to the date still in costume? If you're married or dating someone assume this is the same person.
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