Disaster Japanese

Mar 21, 2011 21:58

Thought this would be of interest.
Japanese I learned in context of the recent earthquake, tsunami and nuclear accident.

Have anything else you have learned these past two weeks? Let me know!

被災地 hisaichi -Disaster-affected area

物資 busshi -material/goods (in this case material from the relief effort)

断水 dansui -Water outage

計画停電 keikaku teiden -Planned/Rolling blackout

瓦礫 gareki -Rubble

原発 genpatsu (= 原子力発電所 genshiryoku hatsudensho) -Nuclear powerplant

原子炉 genshiro -Nuclear reactor

格納容器 kakunou youki -Containment vessel (in this case containing the reactor core)

圧力容器 atsuryoku youki -Pressurized container (conatining the containment vessel)

圧力抑制室 atsuryoku yokuseishitsu -Suppression chamber

燃料棒 nenryou bou -Fuel rod

制御棒 seigyobou -Control rod

炉心溶融 roshin youyuu -core meltdown

蒸発 jouhatsu evaporation (Might've known this before)

放水 housui -Spraying with water

シーベルト Sievert -a unit measuring the effect of radiation on the human body (1 Sievert is 1000 milli sievert, each of which is 1000 micro sievert, etc)

ヨウ素 youso -Iodine

ホウ素 houso -Boron

カリウム kalium -Potassium

Pretty clear what's been on my mind the most, eh...
Will see if I can come up with more and expand later.

Update 4/1

暫定規制値 zanteikiseichi -regulation value (for example for radiation in foods)

建屋 tateya -building (in this case the outer building of the nuclear reactors)

Update 4/8

自粛 jishuku -self restraint


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