My tweets

Nov 14, 2012 09:01

  • Tue, 16:42: Male Urban Outfitters model. seanhowe: Cable: The Early Years. Art by Rob Liefeld.
  • Tue, 17:33: RT @ altonbrown: Stunning prototype of A.G. Russell folding chef knife with micarta scales and pocket clip. @ AGRussellKnives http://t. ...
  • Tue, 17:35: Arino did well. Came out of his surgery and is just resting at the vet for a while. Glad he's okay.
  • Tue, 18:36: RT @ TheJewishDream: "I like that Mumford and Sons song" -- "Which one?" -- "There's more than one?" #APlayInThreeParts
  • Tue, 21:42: Nothing sadder then a bunny with a cone on his head. Poor bun. But he seems to be okay. Thank goodness
  • Tue, 22:26: RT @ devincf: Please RT and share: guy who claimed underage sex w/ Elmo puppeteer has RECANTED. He lied, and he has admitted it. Clear Ke ...
  • Tue, 22:26: RT @ brianstelter: The man who accused Kevin Clash (Elmo) of underage sexual conduct has RECANTED. His lawyer now says it was "adult cons ...
  • Wed, 04:00: tinkering with a character I came up with almost 15 years ago. Fun so far.
  • Wed, 04:01: Now if I can just finish those pulp pages, and attempt to make any money off my ability, we might be in...something.
  • Wed, 04:06: And this is my just brainstorming, if you were trying to contact me for commissions before all the medical stuff happened...
  • Wed, 04:07: If you are still interested, I will probably be okay to work on stuff again by the beginning of the year.
  • Wed, 04:09: since I am obviously small potatoes and there were never any contracts or official agreements, if you aren't, we're fine.
  • Wed, 04:10: Thanks for the patience and the opportunity, but life happens. Hopefully, once I'm back at it you'll think about taking another chance.
  • Wed, 04:11: No bad feelings, no regrets, just thanks.
  • Wed, 04:12: And with that enough semi-serious stuff. Back to talking about international children's television and wot not tomorrow. Have a great night!
  • Wed, 04:15: RT @ jgarzten3: William Castle's Shanks is getting a soundtrack release but still hasn't gotten a home video release.
  • Wed, 04:17: Why Bugsy Malone isn't available in the US is beyond me.
  • Wed, 04:21: In a similar, only me and my brother care, moment, Condorman is still out of print, but I can buy it digitally from Amazon.
  • Wed, 04:26: Running out of Bane jokes to say when using my V-pap mask. May have to re watch Blue Velvet. Missy will love it!


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