Wed, 02:36: Just remember, regardless of what happens tonight, people still need real help tomorrow. Help people.
Wed, 05:10: Now that the election is over, we as a people can get back to what's watching that sweet ass Shazam! set my brother got me!
Wed, 05:22: Wow, we just spent a shit-ton of money to have what should have been a sure thing beat a man that looks like his own novelty Halloween mask
Wed, 05:26: RT @ calamityjon: I'm weirded out that 56% of WA voters support legal weed but only 52% support gay marriage. Who are these 4% of weed-sm ...
Wed, 05:31: Glad it's over. Remember, don't be a sore loser or a sore winner. It's not a football game, it's a country. Be excellent to one another.