Sep 04, 2008 23:24
I'm behind on listening to the RNC speeches. I only just finished Fred Thompson's speech, but it was full of all sorts of ick. Tearing down Obama and building up McCain bacause McCain apparently knows that our country is the best nation on Earth and never needs to apologize to anyone for anything. Of course.
But one of the things that bothered me the most was after Thompson described the torture to which McCain was subjected, he said that McCain's captors demanded he name his fellow pilots. McCain named a member of the Green Bay Packers. At this, everyone broke out in cheers and applause. But these are the same people that support "enhanced interrogation techniques" for making the terrorists tell us everything. If McCain was right and just and honorable for lying to his captors when they interrogated him (enhancedly), how can we make any claims about the effectiveness of our own interrogation techniques, however enhanced? (Leaving completely aside the issue of whether we should be doing that sort of thing to other human beings at all.)
Next up is Lieberman. Gosh, I can't wait.