Or "That Was the Weekend that Was".
Swimming Friday evening before Jane came. Friday day was spent running around doing lots of little jobs, including 2 McDonalds' - only one of which was eaten because it was a dine-in. Ickky indeed.
Friday night, hugs and more hugs and catching up, as we haven't seen each other in 3 weeks! Saturday my car went to the garage for a service, they stung me £250 for the service and £200 for new brakes (pads and shoes), which is probably a hellish con but my dad always prefers using main dealers... I got some money for Christmas which has been used to pay for it.
It's still more than I'd budgeted for. I budgeted £400 max, and That extra £50 has kindof scuppered me. Not a huge issue I guess, it'll all work out in the end. Took the opportunity to fiddle around with some money and put all my eggs back in one basket with a lower rate.
Saturday afternoon/evening we went bowling :) Hurrah! Haven't been in ages. Was a good time. I did better than expected, getting just short of 3 figures in both games. Felt really bad because Jane was not doing very well at all! Second game we got the bumpers up... their nifty system lets you have bumpers up for individual bowlers which is really cool!
We were thinking about going for food at Centretainment but true to form, the places we wanted to go were all packed to the gills with an hour long wait. We wanted to go see a film and had got tickets for "
A Cock and Bull Story". In the end we drove back to Barnsley for the bestest curry at the Jalsa, then back to Sheffield again in time for the film!
The film was excellent. A lot of people didn't get it, with probably 15-20 people walking out part way through. I understand totally why - if you didn't know what it was about you might not have known what to expect and how to take it. It's a very unusual film :) To quote from the film... Post Modern before there was even a modern to be post about.
I really enjoyed it, anyhow. The cast list is truly impressive, and Steve Coogan does a grand job in the lead.
Back home, cheesy telly and giggles, caught the beginning of Robin Hood: Prince of Theives on FX270. Bed. Woke up at nearly midday on Sunday - causing a mad panic as we both needed to be gone by about 1pm! The weekends are never long enough.