Okayokay Sunny (aka matchsticks_p) tagged me and was like "YOU ASS GET ON IT" so here goes~ (by the way yours was really frikkin' long and detailed, don't blame me if mine's short, remember, I'm still learning how to read for you).
The rules: Once you've been tagged, you have to write a blog with six random facts about yourself. In the end you need to choose six people to be tagged and list their names.
(Ohfuck what if I don't have any friends?) Let's see how random I can make this, and see to it that no one ever knew these facts before. 8D
1. I realized recently that I think rodents are cuter than dogs. That's pretty fscked up, I know, but hamsters are just so cute ;; and the way they poke their head out of a pile of woodshavings after you wake them up is really adorable. I think I've been looking at the "pocket pet" section at
http://cuteoverload.com/ way too much recently. Sheila would know too, she works at a petshop and keeps spotting me in there looking at the cute hamsters everytime I go to the mall.
2. Sunny once told me that one of her breasts is bigger than the other from badminton and she offered to let me touch them if I didn't believe her. WELL I BELIEVE HER but I still wanted to touch 'em to see how it'd feel. ...
3. I'm actually American! *shot by Canadians all around* I was born in Lafayette, Louisianna, but I moved to Canada before I was even one years old. I'd like to think of myself as Canadian ... but maybe one day having an American birth certificate will come in handy? ? ???
4. Well I really do like Canada, but I like California even more. In fact I think I have some unhealthy obsession with California at this point. A lot of things I like came from California ... like reallifecomics.com, Blizzard, 99% of my online friends, PALM TREES~, Gaia, etc. In fact I bought a shirt today that says I [heart] CALI on it. ...and it's not my only shirt that has California written on it. XD; Isabel would know, we hunt for California shirts together at West Ed.
5. As opposed to Sunny, I hate getting my hands dirty. In fact, if it gets a little hot and my hands sweat a little I freak out and go wash them really really really often. I think it's because I couldn't stand it when my hands were dirty and I had to play piano, or I can't stand it when my hand sticks to my tablet, or ... yeah etc.
6. I don't like to throw things out. If you come into my room, it appears to be clean, but if you open the drawers there is a LOT of junk from way back in elementary stuffed in them. It really annoys me but I can't bear to throw out stuff that seems like trash now, but I know it was solid gold to me back when I was younger.
Six people huh ... how about ... Okay I can't remember LJ names off the top of my head, so... Jessie, Emi, Woe, Rit, Finni, and BMR?! If they see this anyways. XD;;