Today I have mostly been rediscovering music I didn't realise I'd lost.
Chief among them, Roseblood by Mazzy Star, a totally, utterly gorgeous
song that when I heard it just now just blew me away because it's
exactly the type of music I love the most.
Also worth mentioning, Strangelove - which
louis_marx introduced me to all those many years ago, but which somehow seemed to have slipped between the cushions of my mental sofa.
That and a few King Crimson tracks which I used to love, but then
forgot about - I guess I must have lent the CD to someone and promptly
forgotten they existed.
I'm beginning to think that I might have become inappropriately
distracted by the bleepier side of goth at a formative
time. I liked it at the time and bits of it are still great
(and I'll always like the dark and crunchy music, like NIN and White
Zombie) but lately I have a hankering to return to the stuff I was
getting into when I was about 19 or 20, and follow that musical path a
little further.
I'm not exactly sure what I'm after, other than there seems to be a
particular mellow stoned vibe that is delicious, yet elusive - that
some bands do really, really well, and others completely fail to
capture. I'm not talking of stoner-rock like the Grateful
Dead or anything so stereotyped as that, but whatever it is, there's a
definite laid back, hazy, slightly surreal vibe to it....
Right now I'd love to go to a club that's like one I was told of in San
Francisco one time, allegedly goth, with a hint of hippy shoegazing - lots of candles and floaty lace
clad women with the classical / pre-raph look, people not afraid to go
out, and spend the night drinking coffee and talking about philosophy
and literature, and gently twirling to music that didn't rely on beats
but a vibe.
In reality it was probably full of pretentious wankers, but in my mind
I think it could be lush. I wonder if it something like
that could survive in Cardiff. Tempted....