Passive aggression in the workplace

Aug 24, 2011 19:07

So let me tell you about how I was passive-aggressively fired.

I have worked at my school's computer lab place for the last year. I thought I was doing okay; my mid-year review went well, I showed up and did my job. During finals week I was late a few times because I had that job, another job at Target, an internship downtown and five classes to manage so every time I sat down I fell asleep, which led to me being about 15 minutes late a few times.

Aside from that though, I thought I was cool. None of my bosses ever brought it up and at the end of the year I even worked a couple days after school ended because one of my bosses asked me to.

I left for the summer on good terms, with my availability turned in for the fall semester and figured I'd have a nice job to come back to.

Fast forward a couple months. I haven't gotten my schedule for the library yet, and we start in a week. I tried to check it on the website my boss posts it to, but when I try to log in it says my settings have been changed and to contact my scheduling manager. I thought that was strange, but idk maybe he came up with a new schedule system over the summer. I waited a couple days and thought maybe he'd send the schedule via email or something. Nothing shows, and since I haven't received any mail from the library in a month or so (mind you I was still getting notices to turn in my timecard tho like you would expect if you were employed) so I shot my boss an email asking what was up with the website and if I could get my schedule for next week.

You know what I got back?

A brief, one line email saying "we evaluated our staff over the summer and you were not one of the ones selected to return to work for us in the fall".

What. The. Fuck.

Remember how I said I hadn't gotten any email ALL SUMMER from them? Nothing? Not a hey, we're doing staff evals, lolz or hey, how's your summer, or even a hey, YOU'RE FIRED. Nothing. Not. a. thing.

If I hadn't emailed asking wtf was up with my schedule I am 99% sure no one would have ever emailed me to tell me I was being let go. I've worked a lot of different jobs, for a lot of different places. I've never been fired or let go before, but of the people I know who have never once has the firing been so passive aggressive and straight up cowardly.

Honestly bro, I have my big girl panties on. If I'm doing a bad job, let me know and I'll correct myself before I wreck myself. Like a big girl.

So yeah. That's how I got passive-aggressively fired from my job at the campus computer lab.

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