Happy returns?

Jun 16, 2010 22:45

So I'm back in Chicago. Idk how I feel about this. I love the city, but I haven't gotten a job yet, so I have no money to do anything, and as such my apartment doesn't have any cable or internet (and I can't get the tv sans cable to work since the converter box antenna to pick up a single since our first floor apartment is a fucking dead zone for everything :| Can't even get a cell signal in it. Also, had to go to the apartment manager myself to get stuff fixed, since my roommate (who was there for a whole week and a half before me) decided she was 100% OKAY with living with 2 outlets (one behind my bed, one above kitchen counter) that didn't work, 2 lights (1 closet 1 hallway) that didn't work, a toilet paper holder that was falling off the wall and a shower that backed up constantly cuz the drain needed to be snaked -.- I swear to god I feel like her mommy sometimes with how I have to be the business end of this deal. She looked at me like it was a revolutionary concept that it was okay for us to request that maintenance fix shit in our apartment since we're, you know, paying rent and all.

I've been here since Sunday, and I already kinda wanna go home just based on the fact that I get free internet and tv, free food and all the free time to play with my kitties that I want. My cousin has a grad party on July 10 my mom wants me to go to, so my plan is that if I haven't gotten a job by then, I'll just peace out on the 10th and come back a week or so before school starts since I have the next couple months of rent already in my bank account.

The upside of the last few days? Got to see a free Whigs show. It was in the pouring rain, yeah, but still. FREE WHIGS. :D
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