Oct 27, 2004 10:10
I went to NYC last weekend to visit Tim. We had a good time as usual and I didn't want to leave. When I got there we ate some really good food, and I got sick. Damn carbs! Friday we saw the forgotten and teen american whatever for a bit! Two for the price of one. DIRKA DIRKA DIRKA!!!! I got sick that night, like usual. I drank some wine, thanks to my lamb. I killed a whole bottle! hahah. I'm cool. NOT..Tim and I just loveee being lazy together. We went shopping before the movie, for 10 hours.. and I got my infamous jean jacket. That night we killed a bottle of vodka, and Tim fell asleep on me! Great. Hence my psycho live journal entry from before!!! Sunday we can say dedication. I didn't want to leave, but here I am again in good ol' KU. I started my exercise and diet streak again.. I figure if I'm not constantly doing something, I'm going to drive myself INSANE. I gained a lot of weight and I feel like shit. I think that I crave the elyptical machine now. No more craving food! Just EXERCISE!!!! Psycho Christina here we come!!!!!
I work this mother effin weekend. Oh well it's Halloween but what can ya do? Next weekend Tim's coming, praise Jesus, then the weekend after Steph is HOPEFULLY. We shall see..