Feb 11, 2010 00:55
Bright is the eve-star shining cold on high,
Lonely and untouch’d, imprisoned aloft.
And yet ‘tis eclipsed by one beneath the sky,
Whose light diffuses, instead, indolent and soft.
He is watched by Venus, and the enamour’d moon ,
Who, jealous, call him premature into their twilight
Waiting, as Saturn’s steeds, on that final swoon,
That his words may fore’er be their sole delight.
Surely ‘tis an unnatural snow that falls to smother
The summer of a Man with unfurling wings -
Calling with thin voice of a wayward brother,
Frosting wintry thoughts over those of springs.
I think the reason that this is unfinished and always will be can be summed up with three words: I hate meter.