The Littlest Things

Oct 09, 2012 22:29

Listening to this song by Lily Allen and thinking about a quote of Brenden's during A Tree Ascending where he said one of the things he'd "go back for" was "the first few weeks with someone new... anyone new."

That's EXACTLY what I want!

I don't want a whole serious relationship, just the first few weeks where it's all new and shiny and exciting and perfect. The cautious flirting, sitting in a corner at a party, absorbed in each other - the first kiss, terrified but exhilarated - skipping through the uni at midnight, arms linked, drunk, singing "WE'RE OFF TO SEE THE WIZARD!" - walking down City Road grinning because he's holding my hand in public - butterflies erupting in my stomach whenever I get a text from him, or realise, yes, he feels the same way about me.

Yet at the same time I want the familiarity of an old relationship - lying in bed together, listening to the rain, not kissing, not fucking, not even talking, just cuddling and thinking our separate thoughts - being able to ring him up when I'm in tears because I got a bad grade in my history essay and him making everything better - unspoken communication.

I guess I just want all the good things without the bad ones (fights, jealousy, monotony, irritation, bad sex).

A single girl can dream.
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