Ooo.. i really hope KAT-TUN will reach 300.000 copies too for this single.. >___<
i'm really doki-doki.. Really hope it will reach.... X___X
number of sales :
First day
Second day
Third day
Fourth Day
Fifth Day
Sixth Day
Total Sales
For now, total sales = 69.673 + 31.631 + 11.719 + 6.505 + 7.691 + 6170 = 133.389 x 1.75 = 233.430 copies
i will update tomorrow..
minna, let's pray this time their single will reach 300.000 copies or more in a week...
(seems like it's impossible now T____T)
Didn't reach 300.000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
KAT-TUN record is broken!!!! T_______________________T
BUT, I really hope the multiply will be 2.25, so it will reach 300.000 copies XD
Damn it won't happen!!! T__________T