Jul 23, 2008 22:31
So, well, I didn't get the library job, which I suppose is just as well, because the last time anyone from Upper Riccarton saw me I was having a huge coughing fit by the timesheets. Full on, with the tears and the retching and everything. I had to go and hide in the bathroom and hope to god and all his fairies that my throat would SHUT THE FUCK UP sometime soon, cos I had to catch a bus to Hornby. But it did, and I did, and thus ended my fortnight of shelving at UR, which is fancy shmancy and filled with books I haven't seen before.
Today I woke up at Ruby's, went back to sleep, dreamed I came home, woke up and didn't know where I was, went back to sleep again till 12, crawled out of bed ten minutes before the bus, which I had to wait half an hour for, went home, crawled back into bed and read for an hour. It is not pleasent, getting out of bed twice in one morning. I was supposed to go into Victim Support but, uh, I forgot the stuff I needed to take in. Because I'm a doof.
Saw Get Smart last night, which was hilarious :D There are a couple of moments when things COULD have gone really stupid and predictable, or they could have gotten some really cheap and stupid laughs, but they DIDN'T, which made me MORE THAN HAPPY. It's like... you see the horrible winceworthy slapstick/misunderstanding coming, and it DOESN'T HAPPEN. Thank god. I'd totally see it again but the other are going on Sunday when I'm on duty, so I'll be HOME ALONE. Baking bread like a bitch. Like Sunshine. Which I'm reading again. I love her. Her and Con and Mel and Pat. All DL names. Not that I've made Mel yet but Miles thinks bout her a lot, so it totally counts.
Also? Firefly commentary by Joss is FREAKING AWESOME. Hearing him and Nathan enthuse over chickens is brilliant.
Cath and Jen just came in. Apparently there was a Noise at the back door. Jen wasn't going to check It out alone and she wasn't going first, so Cath picked up the roll of linin that's been sitting in our corner (for when we get round to making garb with Sam) for a while now. Imagine breaking into our house and getting assulted by Cath with a massive roll of fabric. Oh, the shame.
I have my birthday off work :D I applied to get the Saturday after it off too but we'll see. I'm a lazy bint, but I have a fuckload of holiday time I haven't taken yet and so, I take it. Don't know what I'm actually going to do on my birthday (next Friday) but something'll come up. Maybe we'll watch the new Bruce Campbell movie (Alien Apocalypse, with Renee O'Connor AKA Grabielle from Xena I shit thee not) on our nice new bigger telly and get drunk on wine and magaritas. Yes, that'll do.
People free next Friday?
bruce campbell is a chingod,
pizza for dinner,
aliens and illnesses,
noises at the door,
plotting to drink oh yes,
ice cream and boobs,
getting high at the library,
roosters driving us mad,
cath smells like cath