Fangirling, of course.

Nov 03, 2007 16:12




Dragonhaven. Robin McKinley. I love it I love it I love it. I'm so glad she decided to use a boy as her protagonist, it works better than a girl, I think -and I have never said anything like that before. But I adore Jake. His voice, his character, his obsession, his weaknesses, and okay the fact he looks like Kett Turton in my head. Reading this book makes me very happy.

Cath's got it at the moment so I can work on my Nano. She's taking one for the team.

Also I'm getting quickly addicted to Red Bull. Can't believe the first time I tried it I thought it was disgusting. Now I'm starting a little herd of empty cans on my desk. It's happy making fuel. With bulls testicles!

Last night we watched Covenant, which is not a movie you want to watch if you're going to take it seriously. The dialouge made me and Circe very confident in our own, because even though it's word-vomit-nano-dialouge it's a damn sight better than the scripting there... my favourite part was the exposition. The Alcoholic Mother Exposition Fairy. Wow. "If you use these powers (which you and your friends all got at thirteen, in case you forgot) you might become addited (in case you forgot that too, wihch you shouldn't, seeing as you see exactly what it did to your father who you visit all the time) so don't!" magical piece of storytelling, that.

Stupid brunette: They say their four families were around in the Salem Witch Trials... and the fifth was killed off.
Stupid blonde: OH MY GOD!
Acting exactly as it it was a personal tragedy than something that happened over three hundred years ago.

And the villian (naturally two dimentional) spoke entirely in cliches. Entirely. That was actually pretty hilarious.

All the girls in it made me angry. Fucking damsels. They were all useless and needed to be rescued by the big strong boys (or were alcoholic exposition fairies!) and blaah. But I don't exactly expect Hollywood to drop the damsel thing any time soon. Or ever.

I'll stick with my Robin McKinley.

silly me, happy, kett turton's everything, clicheszomg!, unintentionally hilarious, movies, lovebooks, horror movies, nummy kett, love, robin mckinley is my literary lover, books dammit, books

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