Remembering 2006 with pictures!!!!
In January it was Nate's birthday and we spent the day at Nate's favorite junkyard and took pictures and stuff. After we went to Applebee's. The picture was takin on the way to eat!!
This is Nate having fun on his snowmobile. I dont remember February too much..other than Valentines Day and Nate and I's 3rd anniversary.
I turned 21 in March. This is the cake Amanda and I made. Nate also made me a junkyard cake! For my birthday I went out the day before and had my first drink with Amanda. Nate took me out to Tokyo. Courtney and I also went out for my birthday and I will always love that day. Courtney drunk is a always amusing!!!
April 1st was my last day at Filene's after almost 3 years.
I walked in graduation with my degree in Early Childhood Education. I also attended the dance for graduates with a hot date..Amanda.
In June Nate and I went to Long Island for Patent Pendings cd release party. I love Long Island! After we went to NYC!
July I spent a lot of time at the beach. This is Nicholas with his hermit crab!!<./b>
I bought a new car!! I totally needed it after having the max for almost 4 years!! It suits me more than "the beast"! I also finished my last class for the tech!!
Went to Canobie Lake and won a fraggle and made it my mascot!!
My pumpkin. Spent my Halloween handing out candy at Nate's.
Watched Nate for a few seconds in the Halloween Howler.
Christmas!! Went to Courtney's on the eve of Christmas Eve and had classic Mac and Cheese! We exchanged presents. Spent Christmas eve at my aunts and spent the night at Nates. Did Christmas at Nate's house and then went to my house. Then went to my aunts. Spent Christmas night playing Friends Scene it with Bobby. Then played WB Scene it with Nate. It was fun.
No big plans for tonight..just spending it with Nate!!!
Just want to wish everyone and safe and Happy New Year. It's amazing how in a year, month, week,day, hour or even a minute how things can change. Live in the moment and dont take anything for granted because you never know when it may not be there. It's scary...
Thank you to those that made 2006 memorable and Im looking forward to new memories made in 2007!!