next fase approaching / frequencies developing beyond what we've known

Dec 21, 2007 12:41

sing, dance and be free. the room that surrounds me is to be purged, with song, joy and laughters. all that is obsolete must go. radical cleaning, every stone must be unturned, every root of the disease of conditioning must be obliferated! wholeness! oneness!


how to approach non-duality? how can it be approachable? this question is paradoxical, life is paradoxical in nature. celebrate the paradoxes, play this delightful cosmic game we've devised for ourselves. break free from illusion. the road ahead of me is fluid and not yet mapped out, taking fluid referencepoints to guide myself to the sky(=the limit). dancing among the clouds of white, blowing kisses to the white dove of peace.
taking root deep in the earth, en joying the earth, our precious father/mother who so generously supplies for everything, flowering upwards and spreading fragrances of love to all who are. please, this year/this next cluster of time-illusion, allow me to. i bow to the grand divinity of the way.
my dear planetairy companions! blessings upon your hearts and feet.


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