Update from Scotland

Aug 14, 2007 14:49

I've made it!!!
Friday: finshed packing, shuttle to airport, checked in at airport, delays to Newark and they move us up to an earlier flight then we had secheduled. We've ended up bording the plane at 8:30ish and was in the air around 9iah. We were worried about missing our connecting flight in Newark, but since the delays were there, we had about an hour or so for our flight. We ended up leaving there around midnight and ariveing at scotland at 6:30am(US time) which was 11:30. got our bags. we were only missing two bags out of the whole group (other people from the flight were also missing theirs).
We then arrived at the university, got settled. walked to the castle, got our creditentals for the show. Watched the Shows.
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