Yesterday I was in to parades and then went to the Hatch Shell for the Boston POPs with my fife and drum corps,
Middlesex County Volunteers.
First was the Boston parade and concert. We had a guest Drum Major, that we used as a fund raiser for our trip to Scotland. He did perty well, I had his camera to take pictures.
Next we loaded the bus that took us to the Wakefeild parade. It was cool, it rained. We packed up the bus again and headed to Symphony Hall, security check of the bus and gear. The dog was cute.
Headed to the Hatch Shell with police escort. We were on twice, first we played Doodletown Fifer, then slect musicions played with Mellencamp. Saw The Blue Man Group, they were good.
Packed up bus, left, watch the fireworks as we drove away. Got on the Zekham (sp?) Bridge where the bus driver parked the bus and turned on the radio and watch the rest of the fireworks.