I hab a code

Jan 05, 2007 09:22

So.. it turns out that looking after your flu-ridden boyfriend will make you sick. (well, maybe kissing him was dumb) Yet another disadvantage of having a non-distance relationship.

And, in one of life's little ironies, this weekend he has a whole romantic weekend away planned, which he planned all on his own (so much so that he forgot to tell me the timings until late last night). So I'm going to be spending most of the weekend lying luxuriously on the good ship* "Wee Toot" surrounded by boxes of tissues and drinking flat lemonade, while he coughs his lungs up.... mmmmm... do we know how to have a good time or what?

But in good news, we will have all four of our mobile phones turned off all weekend.... sigh!

*ship... pre-war wooden prawn trawler... whatever...
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