Jun 17, 2004 21:33
Well... met with the social worker today whom is convinced that we're all ganging up on mom and being cruel in asking her to let us continue having two parents... Susan (the social worker hosebeast from hell) seems to think that we all just want to stick mom in some home and leave her there... when that's not the case at all.. it would be one thing I could see if Mom was capable of making cognizant decisions for herself, but based on some of the things I know about mom's ability to care for herself.. the family thinks as a group that she's just not capable.. sigh... I don't want to burden my best friend with this because she just lost her mother and well the wounds are still really fresh.. nothing like throwing some salt on it while I'm at it... so basically I'm just going through life on one continuous guilt trip... weeeeeeee.. going right (enter right blinker signal visual here) into oblivion... Done with my evening whinefest... maybe I'll be able to post some time with something like good news... but then again.. I don't seem to remember what good news is like..