Nov 03, 2009 22:39
1. Who is your favorite author?
Gawd idk everyone is special in their own way. Of course we get annoyed with them sometimes. Nobody is my perfect.
2. What is your favorite book/series?
Harry Potter was such a huge part of my life that I consider it almost attatched to me. No matter what I'm always going to remember the vault number to the chamber of secrets and Ron's middle name. It's just always going to be there. I still go to sleep listening to it.
Lestat is good but events don't really stand out I think her characterization is amazing.
The Hitchhicker's Guide is pure genius.
3. Who is a book hero you most wish to be like?
Ford is the coolest guy out there and always knows what to do. I mean, he gets paid to travel the universe and write about it. How cool would that be?
4. Who is a book character that you envy?
Sookie Stackhouse 'cause she reads minds and has vampire sexxx. There's also a slight dislike cause she's an idiot.
5. Which book do you wished you lived in?
ummm this question is kinda weird...but umm the best location would have to be the wizarding world, but I think that I'd rather be a character in Lestat.
Work was extremely easy today. I thought that since I had come in the morning that I would have to do prep, but all I ended up doing were the dishes and a philly steak camboro. Tom talked to me today, Anya didn't yell at me. Mondays are always slow so there's that too. I get 23 hours this week woooo!!!
I'm not going to pay rent in full this tuesday cause I have only enough to pay for the electric bill and half of rent. I know I should be more responsible and that I shouldn't eat out so often, but then I was thinking about it and I payed for groceres the past two and a half times and if you add that all together you could get the money that I would need to pay the rent. Just think: milk, tofu, veggie burgers, a tomato, pizza, spaghetti sauce etc....The last time I went to publix I ended up with about $20 to pay and I paid for most of the groceries last time including cat food so that's roughly 30-40 bucks right there and I have like .....
all of that was a restored entry idk how long ago. Must have been last August because I was excited about having 23 hours. woot.
Well I cam on to post this:
The custom concern for the people is
Build up monuments and steeples
To wear out our eyes
I get up just about noon
My head sends a message for me
to reach for my shoes and then walk
Gotta go to work, gotta go to work, gotta have a job
Goes through the parking lot fields
Didn't see no signs that they would yield
And then thought, this'll never end
This'll never end, this'll never stop
Message read on the bathroom wall
Said, "I don't feel at all like I fall."
And we're losing all touch, losing all touch
Building a desert
This is how I feel right now. No job, failing math, stolen laptop, no cigarettes.
But I do have Kevin and A's in all my other classes. I'm seriously thinking about becoming a corrections officer. Also I need to start a college democrats at santa fe. I have been elected to become Santa Fe liason so I plan to do something about it. Should be getting an intership next semester. Super excited about that and this weekend. I'm supposed to be spoiled by Kevin. We should go jogging. That'll help with our stress. I can't believe how much I worry about money lately. None of that shit clogged my mind before college. I was so inspired and philosophical before. I'm going to try to trigger that girl again because I already feel better venting here. Thank you livejournal, for always being here.