Nov 08, 2006 13:11
Chinks? Niggers? How can they say things like that on national television!
Got your attention? good, because I have a bone to pick with USA.
BET (Thats Black Entertainment Television, for those of you hiding under rocks) has been changing the bar on racial slurs by making the n-word a part of their viewers' everyday vernacular. Then Comedy Central got in on that fun with "Kings of Comedy" specials letting various races show off their own racial slurs, and now Carlos Mencia is out using every cruel phrase around.
But the other night, I saw the worst. On USA (USA OF ALL PLACES!) I saw the movie Blazing Saddles. Now, I am a huge fan of Mel Brooks, and I have no problem with his use of slurs against every race known (though I was insulted about the irish not being allowed into rock ridge, I'm 1/3 Irish (and 1/64 cato indian, try figuring out how those two met!) ) but I think that, when it is unneccessary to the jokes, the dirty terms used, like in the phrase "OK, we'll take the niggers and the chinks, but we don't want the irish." could have been left out.
In that case, it would be much like when the old geezer kept trying to warn them the sherrif was black. here's how it could have gone without any problem getting the joke (in the word chink's case, it might actually help some younger viewers know whats being said):
"Okay, we'll take the niBEEPrs and the ChiBEEPs, but we don't want the *Begins a touching irish song about the Blarney stone, and William-Wallace-esque figures with auras of greatness appear* Irish."
Okay, so maybe the irish thing doesn't need the embelishing, I'm just proud of my herritage. Did you know I have ancestors I can trace back to the 1400s in Ireland? cool, huh?
Anyhow, I felt it was neccessary to make that statement to show my dissatisfaction with the way USA chose to air that movie. Now, go. tell the world of this attrocity and revel in my grand morals