Sep 24, 2006 00:49
The poor FlyingViperKing.
his future wife, the woman he loves more than anything else in life... the woman he plans to share the rest of his life with has cheated on him.
He's still with her.
No offence to my friend, but he is a downright fool.
Why would a man who loves his woman the way theFlyingViperKing does still put up with her after even the one instance of fooling around.
I sometimes wonder about the man.
He lets women betray him, crush his love, shred his heart, and otherwise trample him under their own interests. This isn't the first time he's been betrayed by a woman. His last love left him for another man she'd already arranged a date with. How can men like that survive? I know I could never handle that pain and torment the way theFlyingviperKing does.
What's more, as I understand it, his response to hearing of it was a choked "I love you." (she told him, crying and ashamed)
How have such men survived?
I live in a world of the odd. How do men who let their loves do as they choose survive? I mean, womens rights is all good, I'm all for equality, what I mean is when they let their women cheet or betray and stay with them.
We've all been hurt at least once. it goes with life. but this is beyond the bar.
How could he still love her? how could he still look at her?
You would think someone better must be out there for him, but he seems to believe that, despite it all, he's still the luckiest man on Earth.
If I were a religious man, I'd be praying for him to get a break.
In fact, I would almost entreaty my religious readers: please, with your kindness, your caring hearts, beg your diety that this poor, caring man, who would give anything, including his life (even more than his life!), for the woman he loves be given a break in the next step, whatever you think that to be.
After all, theFlyingViperKing has devoted himself to a woman who has been known to be unfaithful. she has lied to him, and she betrayed her promises to always be with only him.
I know that this is something I could never have the strength of heart or conviction to do. To spend my life with a woman who has betrayed me.
I notice I've mentioned betrayal, in particular, time and again. that is because that is what this is. a betrayal. No one, reguardless of their gender, race, sexual standing, or anything else should ever be allowed to hurt another being in any way worse than a bullet to the balls. but I can assure you that, though I am lucky enough never to have been hurt in such a way, it would feel like a relief to have my sack blown off after such a revelation.
Life can be such a bitch.
now, lets all agree that the poor FlyingViperKing is one of the strongest among us. Because the true point of this article (other than to show my anger with such actions) is that few men could have the courage, conviction, or the sheer solid-iron balls to stick it out with a girl despite a malignment like that.
I rais my mug to you, FlyingViperKing! you are the braver man.
and those of you out there, telling yourself you'd do the same, let me say this:
Bullshit! most of you would be out of there in a second. And the rest of the guys out there would have dumped her ass. you know its true.
So, I think, its fair to sumize that the FlyingViperKing, who does not, for once, represent a majority of our populace, stands alone as one of the true brave heros of our day. An unsung tragic hero who's fatal flaw is his love for the woman he may even now be holding in his arms, lost in the gentle embrace of sleep.
Sleep on, FlyingViperKing, your story has been told, and your true heroism shall not be entirely forgotten.