Independence Day

Mar 07, 2008 13:44

Man am I glad I went to CentraCare last night instead of waiting till this morning. Now I can eat again. Even if the doctor was an idiot and said I had tonsillitis. -_- I'm sorry, but thats so generic, if you have a sore throat for a long time it's tonsillitis. In any case, she gave me my painkillers and now I can eat again :) I'm up and about, the seizure-like chills are done and over with and I can move without falling down. I'm trying to take it easy, cause I don't want to get sick again, and I've restricted myself from combat until the 17th, even though it's going to kill me :( .  Stress stress is no good. I need to find a better way to relax than shooting people or watching people beat people with sticks. Speaking of which, I'm going to go watch the Thrashers vs. Panthers game at BWW with a few people. Lester will be there, so I can finally meet him face to face.

The trip to see the friend in California got postponed till the Summer. It would be nice for a change to get out of the state, and now I've got two :) No more worries, no more stress, just fun with friends and people that care about me. And seeing awesome places at the same time. No worries man, be happy :P Was going to go on a cruise, but settling on a trip to Cali this Summer, not quite there yet physically. Starting to get the abs going on, but I need to work on the thighs and gluts a little more, should be ready by summer.

Can't wait to lie on the beach again, and listen to ocean, not worry abt how I look or what people think. Just me and the ocean and a cool drink, no worries, no worries.

Things are getting better, calmer, and I'm getting my A.A. soon. Orientation is coming up soon too, which means I can finally get to use the UCF gym :) yaaaay, no more leaching off of friends gyms, I can go when I feel like, for as long as i can feel like, and I can do rock climbing! Life is good. I think I'm becoming happy again. So maybe happiness isn't always connected with the person you care about or are with, maybe it's about who you are on the inside and how you're balanced as a person. I never had much balance in the beginning, but I'm realizing more and more that all these trials, all these tribulations, all these horrible things that have happened to me, have been preparing me for being on my own. And maybe that means I'm supposed to be alone (single) for a long time, and thats why I had to go through so much, to become truly independent.

I think I'm going to make a big celebration of July 4, I'm going to make it, along with celebrating this sovereign nation's independence from England, my OWN Independence Day. :D Forget my fear of fireworks! I'll deal! lol, set as many off as you want, it's my independence day!

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