+people who contributed, showed up, or just showed support for my art fundraiser.
+ new friends
-computer being on the fritz
+ a new appreciation for
risk & frisbee. (though not simultaneously. that would be bad.)
-car needing a battery.
-car also needing a new gas charcoal canister ($200) & oil change. oh, and the inspection is up soonish. too bad i can't afford any of that.
+sending in my very last car payment. it's got some minor needs, but it is officially ALL MINE.
+last day of my internship tomorrow
+seeing "
Radical Lace & Subversive Knitting" with Dulla & Meg this past weekend.
+also seeing
Pretty Girls Make Graves plus two awesome opening bands. I needed them to play pyrite pedestal, the tooth collector, and selling the wind. they played all three making my life ah.may.zing.
-first & last time seeing PGMG because they are breaking up. Stupid drummer.
+ the possibility of moving in with Miles.
- finding an apartment and moving
+naps in the sun
- never finding my passport & having to pay to get a new one expedited.
+ non school reading. Pedagogy of the Oppressed, to be specific.
- school loans
+ tremendous support from my friends and family helping me make my wildest dreams into reality.
- lots of shots & medications for said wild dream. I'm still bruised from the yellow fever shot from 2 weeks ago & the typhoid pills make me nauseous.
+inspiration to own the label "artist"
+31 days till africa
-22 days till dulla moves
-always having my head 10 steps ahead of the present moment. this brings panic, which breeds well with insecurity.
ah, life. i need a new knitting project. it's been too long.