Lis Sladen

Apr 20, 2011 09:46

Hello friends.

This morning my Boyfriend came in and asked me who Elisabeth Sladen was, I was still half asleep and thought she was someone I had a random number for.

then I woke up and he told me he had bad news, I didn't want him to say it. He did, I told him I may need a hug, he had to go to the shop.

I got up and went to the internet, it confirmed what I didn't want to believe... The Whoniverse isn't as bright as it was on Monday.

I don't know if it's the timing, so close to Nick Courtney, or the general out of the blueness of it, who knew she was ill? but this has hit me like a ton of bricks.

I don't even know if I can call her one of my favourite actresses, I haven't seen her in anything outside of 'Who' and I didn't grow up with Sarah-Jane, too young, I was a Five girl.
I can say I like what I did see of her, both in performance and in interview. She came across as very polite, down to earth and always with a kind word about all her extended family.
I'm sorry that I never had the honour off meeting her in person.

Rest in peace dear Elisabeth.


On a side note my colleague is amazing, there I am randomly crying on his shoulder, and he hugs first and asks questions later.

Thank you J.

Hugs to all,

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