Jan 01, 2010 18:21
I hope 2010 finds you all well, and the your chosen December festivities were joyous.
Mine went well, Lil staff do, Well We went for drinks, and played the Quiz machine, but all was fun.
Crimbo was good, quiet one with me and himself. I got him some DVDs I knew he'd like, he did, and he got me a Digital photo frame, Which I didn't really want, I put all my pix on Screen-saver, and a 250gb portable hard drive, Which I did want. He's giving me the money for the frame which I will use on cloths, so it's all good.
Got some nice goodies from the family, most notably a fuzzy jumper and an artist colour manual. Oh and some Refresher coloured Toe socks from the Dog.
I know it's been too long since my last update, but to be honest not much happens to me, well not BIG. I like my life it's just not OMG-EXCITING!!
I will try to update more, if only to strengthen my anti-Facebook position. I tried it and could get on with it, too fussy, People should at least try LJ before nagging me back onto FB, Mother!
Did hear one funny thing Though. Rumours that they may charge for Facebook usage, £15 a month. As a permanent account holder I haven't looked at LJ's currant rates, but they have to be better than £15 a month. Be interesting to see if that's true and what will happen over it. I suppose if my family are all priced off FB they could join LJ, I think a private Family-Comm would be a good thing.
I haven't been checking my LJ f-list for a while, been too busy, so if anything in you life you want update me on, or anything you think I might like, feel free to link in the comments.
I think that's pretty much the it, Doctor who'll be on in a bit anyway, need to get my tea.
Love to you and yours