So I finally broke down and "aquired" the last 2 eps of SG-1 *Insert NTL/Virgin vs Sky rant here*. I was gonna wait it out, catch it on Channel 4, but despite not having been actively spoiled I heard/saw enough intriguing comments about 'Unending' to break my resolve.
Ok so the ending was cheesey, the basic story cliché and they hit the biggest reset switch in the history of reset switches, but DAMN what a journey.
yeah, I was pretty much crying. Oh Thor, I'm gonna miss your skinny grey ass so much. :(
But there was one curious side effect, well curious for me, it inspired fic, and for those of you who know me, my fic is very Sporadic and then therefore almost always inspired by powerful emotions.
Title sorry, can't think of one thats none Cliché
Rating PG I guess, if you watch stargate, you can read this
Pairing Daniel/Vala The ONLY Stargate OTP!
Spoilers Just Unending, unless your really behind, then Cam and Vala
Warnings Is Angst a warning?
Disclaimers Nope not mine, does anyone own them at the moment, are they still orphens?
Notes Inspired by one scene in the Montage, it stayed with me and this was the result. Un-beta'd as none of the Gaters on my IM are about.
MILLY, I know you want me to write more, and the fact that I have is no doubt filling you with some kind of emotion, but Baby, please don't read this, your so far behind I wouldn't want you spoiling yourself.
Word count 539
Ooo get me with the proper header stuff
Daniel held her close, held close the woman he loved more than he ever thought possible. It was difficult, she was Squirming in his arms, her grief was all consuming, his was to, but he needed to be strong for her now, she needs him.
It wasn't meant to happen in the first place, they had been so careful.
They had decided early on in their relationship that they wouldn’t have children, not that they didn't want them, but they didn't want to bring a child into this closed world that Sam had created. This Ship in a bottle, a colourless world with an endless night. No, it wouldn't be fair to the child.
But somehow, despite their best effort Vala had fallen pregnant and they were delighted. There were of course mixed reactions from the other four, but ultimately they were happy for the couple, and the idea of having a new face onboard certainly lifted the mood of the small crew. They even started thinking of names, Jack, Jacob, Aeryn, John, Freya, Morgan a good mix of Tau'ri and alien, Cam even started to plan a pool, which seemed to amuse Teal'c no end.
Then it happened. It was so sudden and so stupid.
Vala had naturally been feeling some of the less agreeable aspects of pregnancy and was having a rare good day. Such a good day in fact she had decided to skip down the corridor, so stupid, she tripped over her own feet. She had managed to catch herself, but she still landed hard.
She felt fine, a twisted ankle and a bruised ego, no big.
That night she felt the pain rip through her, worse than labour, worse than anything she had ever felt before. Her screams woke Daniel in an instant and he was carrying her to Sickbay before she could protest. The Hologram of Eir was already active and ready to help with the diagnosis. The Asgard may not be the most expressive race in the galaxy, but her expression in this case was clear. Vala had lost the baby. Daniel stood there for a moment, barely able to digest the news but then another scream from his lover brought him back to reality, she was still in pain and needed help.
When she awoke later the next morning, she was quiet;
'Vala, I...'
'Please Daniel, I just need to walk for a bit.'
They got dressed in silence, all the while with Daniel watching her, 'Do you want me to come with you?'
'No, thank you. I just need sometime for myself.' Daniel nods and he watches her go out.
Ten minutes pass, the ten minutes he had allowed himself to wait before following her, he didn't have far to look, she was stood facing the wall opposite their door and he noticed she was gently rocking herself. He moved to face her and he could see the tears in her eyes. As he put his arms around her she collapsed into him, her sobs ripping through his soul, his strength just enough to hold them both up. He gathered her up into his arms and carried her to the sofa and just stayed there, holding her and Loving her.
This is the first time I have written for these charectors, Concrit is of course welcome, but please be gentle.
Any questions?