(no subject)

Feb 10, 2004 20:50

[ x ] Spell your first name backwards- xinoehp
[ x ] The story behind your lj user name - What is to explain?
[ x ] Are you a lesbian? - Nope. I used to be BI, but then I found out that women are nuts!
[ x ] Where do you live? - Texas
[ x ] 4 words that sum you up - intellegent, outgoing, cautious, moody
[ x ] Wallet - Low buget at this time
[ x ] Hairbrush - Dark green and black
[ x ] Toothbrush - Black and grey (the handle not the brush part...nasty!)
[ x ] Jewelry worn daily - 2 necklaces (one is a TOOL necklace and the other is a pentacle) two rings (John's high school ring and my engadgement ring)
[ x ] Pillow cover - Lets see, one is white with green stripes, one is green and blue plad, one is tiger stripes and one is straight black)
[ x ] Blanket - Green and blue plad.
[ x ] Coffee/Tea cup - Coffee cup
[ x ] Sunglasses - Have to have glasses. I have light senstive eyes and to much light...I can't see. Going outside during the day without my glasses on really is stressfull.
[ x ] Underwear - only one person really needs to know that. LOL
[ x ] CD in stereo right now - Queen of the Damned soundtrack
[ x ] Tattoos - None yet...I will get some soon though
[ x ] Piercings - none
[ x ] What you are wearing now - Kahki pants, an Emily shirt, black steel toed boots
[ x ] Hair - Long light brown hair. Shaved in the back up to about mid way.
[ x ] Makeup - Nope, never. To Girly for me
[ x ] In my mouth - Ummm...my teeth and tounge
[ x ] In my head - To much shit. I wish it would all stop
[ x ] Wishing - Everything was ok (money wise) and I could take a vacation
[ x ] After this - Who knows
[ x ] Talking to - No one at this time
[ x ] Eating - air
[ x ] Fetishes - men's hair
[ x ] If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who would it be and for what reason - no...I think not....you don't need to know. You may be the person. Now why would I give away that?
[ x ] Person you wish you could see right now - My dad
[ x ] Is next to you - Kelly is a desk down from me and Kenneth is behind me
[ x ] Some of your favorite movies - Don't really have a favorite. Lots that I like though. Lord of the Rings; Queen of the Damned; Wishmaster; Lord of Illusions; Big Money Hustlas
[ x ] Something you're looking forward to in the upcoming month - My Birthday...21!!
[ x ] Something that you are deathly afraid of - Nothing I am deathly afraid of...but I am afraid of being alone.
[ x ] Do you like candles? - Got to have candles!
[ x ] Do you like hot wax? - From candles
[ x ] Do you like incense? - Burn at least one a day!
[ x ] Do you like the taste of blood? - Yes
[ x ] Do you believe in love? - I am in love so I would say yes
[ x ] Do you believe in soul mates? - No, not really
[ x ] Do you believe in love at first sight? - Maybe...undecided on that
[ x ] Do you believe in Heaven? - not 'heaven' but I do beleve in the summerland
[ x ] Do you believe in forgiveness? - Depends
[ x ] Do you believe in God? - Christian Triune God...no
[ x ] What do you want done with your body when you die? - Buried but I want a tree as my head stone
[ x ] Who is your worst enemy? - My own mind
[ x ] If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be? - A tiger or other large cat
[ x ] What is the latest you've ever stayed up? - 72 hours straight
[ x ] Ever been to Belgium? - No
[ x ] Can you eat with chopsticks? -
[ x ] What's your favorite coin? - Not sure
[ x ] What are some of your favorite candy? - Twix
[ x ] What's something that you wish people would understand? - There are other beliefs other then Christianity and that it just needs to be accepted
[ x ] What's something you wish you could understand better? - Life
[ x ] What's one thing you want to make happen for tomorrow? - Me to be in a better mood
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