Mar 28, 2010 01:17
Just throwin' that out there.
While we're at it, someone said this to me a while back:
"I'm not homophobic! I just don't like it when people ACT gay around me."
"I'm not racist! I just don't like it when [non-Caucasian ethnicity here] BEHAVE like [non-Caucasian ethnicity here]. Non-Caucasian eople embracing a culture that isn't Caucasian make me uncomfortable, that's all."
"I don't subscribe to the gender binary! I just don't like seeing women being strong or men being sensitive. It just ain't my thing."
"I'm not homophobic!"--yes you are.
And there was that one time my friend told me that she didn't believe I was gay/bisexual/WHOTAVER (the world's divided into straight and not-straight, donchaknow), but she's fine with it, but I wasn't allowed to have a crush on anyone in the school because it'd be OMG SO AWKWARD, and if I ever had a crush on her, she would KILL ME.
And I'm like...huh?
I'm still really great friends with a guy I was in love with! We were good friends even when I was still in love with him! He was her friend too, and she didn't find it OMG SO AWKWARD that one of her friends was crushing on another one of her friends. But as soon as that other friend is a girl, it's all so different?
I have crushes! I have crushes on guys and on girls (little ones, obviously). I find some of the girls at our school BRAIN-MELTINGLY HOT, same as how I've found some guys to be HEART-MELTINGLY ADORABLE. (Vice-versa too.) I don't see why this warrants such panic. I'll most likely get over it in a few weeks and on the off-chance that I don't, well, what are the odds of me forcing any of my friends into a romantic/sexual situation against their will? (For reference, it's almost as high as the odds of ship wars ceasing in the Avatar fandom.)
Why is sexuality so important?
and i'll make this more coherent when it's not 1:00 am
being politically correct,
rainbow streamer of slash,
real life