Plan of attack for the first day of the summer holidays: eat unhealthy but delicious foods, attempt to harvest the radishes, read Lovely Complex until my ovaries burst.
I forgot how stressful Christmastime is to normal people. So far my Christmas preparations have consisted of painting on and writing in nine cards for my closest friends, thinking about doing the skype-circle Kris Kringle piece I owe a friend, inviting myself to
phaes 's house for Christmas Eve and possibly bringing a present, and completely forgetting to offer my online friends anything because my internetting has been so patchy for the past...really long time. x_X
GOOD LUCK EVERYONE WHO ACTUALLY HAS TO PUT EFFORT INTO CELEBRATING A HOLIDAY! Well, I'mma probably end up sketching a thing apiece for people on my flist. Tell me if there's anything in particularly you'd like? Otherwise, I'll pick a fandom and draw a pairing and that'd be pretty much that. C: