Keith can string beads!

Apr 11, 2006 09:59

Was doing work with Keith yesterday after we came back from mum's.

The activities include:

Work area

1) Stringing on plastic hose
He made a mistake in the beginnning and strung the wrong colour to the wrong hose. I told him "wrong" and took the disc out. Then I pointed to the correct colour hose and he did it ok. From there he was ok to complete the task on his own.

2) 2 piece puzzle- fruits
He was initially puzzled at the puzzle as it was the first time he attempted it. But he looked at the pieces and I started naming them for him and placing them so that he can see how they fit together. He completed the puzzle with no problems and a fair bit of prompting. I had to point out where the pieces go and what names they were. And I thought he got the idea.

3) Alphabet puzzle (10 pieces out)
He can do this ok. No much prompt, but I named the letters for him as he fitting them in. I also noticed that his skills are getting better as he learnt to turn and attempt to fit the puzzle (compared to last time when he will just try to fit them in as is).

4) Cliping cards with clothes pegs
This one is tough but my little slacker knew exactly how to get help. He pushed the peg into my hands and asked me to help him open the peg while he tried to manuever the card into the opening. Though he still have some problems co- ordinating both his hands, he can do this with some hand over hand help from me.

5) Writing practice
I printed out several worksheets involving line joining and line drawing. He enjoys them tremedously, but cannot grip onto the pencil properly. He can't draw free hand yet and I have to hold his hands and slowly guide him while he attempts the lines and circles. He still cannot follow the lines properly, but at least he understands that he has to follow the general direction.

Play area

1) Ducks swimming on a lake
I gave him a duck so he understood that it's time to play with the pond. He didn't like having the ducks swimming on the pond so he took them out. Jess wanted to have the ducks in the pond so they had a little arguement over whether to place the ducks in the pond and they finally compromised by having Jess take the ducks up and Keith snatching them off her hand and placing them on the pond. (-_-")

2) Banging with a hammer with falling balls
Jess then took over the banging toy and asked me to open it. However, once I set it up, Keith immediately wanted to play and started to snatch the toy away, shoving Jess in the process. Jess started to cry and I had to distract her with yet another toy. I chided Keith, but he was already all engrossed in playing with the banging toy and laughing at the ball rolling downwards. *Sigh*

3) Stringing with shoelace some wooden fruits
After Jess tire of the rattle we passed her, she picked up the stringing toy and asked us to open the box for her. Keith was again up to his antics and quickly took over the toy and started to string the items together. I was surprised at his ability to string the wooden beads after I show him how to do so with his fingers (hand over hand). He strung a long string before being distracted by Jess playing on the banging toy and he quickly went over to take possession of the toy again (-_-")

4) Puzzle of numbers (partial)
After his toilet break (he was so engrossed that he peed on the floor without noticing, and I dragged him to the toilet to clean up), he noticed the partially done numbers puzzle on the floor and proceed to complete it. Jess then proceeded to take out all the pieces. By now, this puzzle was a bit too easy for him.

5) Puzzle of car with 4 pieces
So I took out the puzzle I got at Daiso recently. He was able to place the pieces in the right places after I adjusted it a bit for him.

He then went on to play with his banging toy again. And I asked AA to get them to bed as I want them to settle in early.

After the usual round of milk and lights off, they both settled down and were quickly fast asleep. *phews*

Based on what he did today, Keith definately improve a lot on his fine finger movements. He can understand instructions with a little bit of prompting. Although he has improved a lot, but he has also acquired some bad habits along the way. *Sigh*

I wish the HFMD will pass soon and we can get the teachers to look at his behaviour in CC.

aa, keith, jess

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