Jan 24, 2007 17:19
Looks like a fucking snowglobe outside...
I am so cold, i dont think i have been warm since i got outta bed this morning...
I got alot of shit done at work today.. however, it seemed that GE was going soooooo slow... I get bored with nothing to do..( now mind you i dont want to be wrestling a bad mannered preschooler either mind you!!) But GE seems to end up with more adults in a room then kids. And when my dept gets involved it is like five adults are vying for the same kid's attention.. not good... not productive...
Why cant they put me in charge?:) LOL
Deep thought for the day: Expectations are the key, one is told as an educator. However, when expectations are too high they can trap you as much as too low of expectations. I hated the teachers that thought i was worthless.. ( and mind you.. most adults hated me as a child.. b/c well.. you know me... ) and i hated the ones who thought i should get straight A's.( coulda.. but i hated nearly everything i did in school until middle of college)
So i ask you.. what expectations are hindering you?
are they a teachers?
are they your mothers?
are they your fathers?
are they your friends?
or.. worse of all... are they your own?
Tonight.. Matt is cooking dinner.. and we are chillin on the couch playing 'our' video game...
I love my geek.... and i love being a geek... well at least a hair tossing one.. :)