Title: Good For What Ails you
Author: Phentalon Took
Email: rocket_launcher_rabbit2000@yahoo.co.uk
Pairing: Dommie/Elijah
Rating: PG-15
Summary: Dom can't watch anymore. Neither can Elijah.
Warning: Angst, character death, and me giving to impression I hate Elwood. I really don't!!
Feedback: Ooh that'd be very nice!!
Dominic was numb, just numb. No one in his situation would have even considered trying to feel, it would have been insanity.
His emotion had been stretched as far as it could go when the pain had begun, and Elijah had been taking more and more morphine. Then he would wake in the night, screaming in pain, until he or Billy could get the pill into his mouth.
“I can’t do it Billy. I can’t watch him die.” He sat one the sofa, exhausted rings around his eyes. Late night had been the worst. Elijah had clung to him, and sobbed and writhed with pain. He had reached dose limit still wracked with it.
“Dom, I don’t want to die, please, don’t let me die. It hurts, make it stop!” And Dom’s heart had not just broken; it had crumbled to ash. He could do nothing for the man he loved, nothing to stop his body breaking from the inside out.
“I know, Dom, I know.” Billy sighed, sitting close to him and putting a caring arm about his shoulders.
“No, you don’t..” And suddenly he was standing and screaming. “I HAVE TO SIT HERE AND WATCH HIM DISAPPEAR, IN PAIN! AND I CAN’T DO ANYTHING! IT HURTS SO MUCH! WHY CAN’T IT BE ME?! I’D RATHER BE DEAD THEN SEE HIM LIKE THIS!” There was spit on his chin, and mucus mixing with tears that should have run dry long ago.
Billy was looking past Dom, eyes filled with such sadness. No one should have to go through this, to have it wrung out bit by bit until they were only a shadow, left behind.
Dom turned to find Elijah in the doorway, keys still in hand. He dropped them and fled into the bedroom. Dom dropped to his knees, and let out a chest-caving sob. Billy would have given anything, anything, to make it better.
A while later Dom opened the door slowly. Elijah was face down on the bed, and could have been sleeping. Then Dom stepped round the end of the bed. The bottle of morphine pills was on the floor. Empty. There was a piece of paper rolled inside it. Dom squatted down and pulled it out.
I won’t make you watch anymore. I’ll always love you, wherever you are.
Lij xxx’
Oh God. No. Please. Not yet. He had more time! Now he couldn’t say them, there were thousands of things he needed Lij to know. He turned Elijah and shook his shoulders, hard.
“Wake up! Please! I need to tell you! You have to wake up! Elijah please!”
Chapter1 ~
Chapter 2 ~
Chapter 3 ~
Chapter 4 ~
Chapter 5 ~
Chapter 6 ~
Chapter 7 ~
Chapter 9 ~
Chap 10