So, my life's a little bit wibbly at the moment x3; moved back to London in the middle of October, been trying to get a job since then. I've left about thirty CVs at the front and back of theatres in the West End, but nothing yet. Coffee shops are my next idea then temping agencies although a job sitting on my ass in an office all day does not appeal.
I finished my play =3 well, 90% done, waiting on the mother's opinion for an ending. I doubt most people who friended me on here, and for good reason they are not many, knew I was even doing this but there you go. I'm gonna send it into the Royal Court when it's ready to go. But they get like 30, 000 scripts a year or something mental so I'm not holding my breath. This actually sat on my computer half done since like May and after seeing a play at that theatre on Monday I got off my butt and finished it overnight. BACKWARDS SLEEPING PATTERNS YAAAAY. Anyway.
The play was AMAZING actually, it's called Cock, about a man named John with a boyfriend (M) but he falls in love with a woman (W) and it was just incredibly fast-paced and witty and brilliant. Plus Ben Whiskaw played John. My journal header kinda implies the joy in that doens't it x3; so yeah, my signed painting of him is now hanging framed on the living room wall. Hee. Although after how excellent that play was what makes me think the Royal Court will touch my ramblings with a six foot pole I don't know xD
And I'm writing a book of short stories and poetry =3 so yeah, I guess my life isn;t quite as pointless as I feel. I just need a job, a partner (seriously I'm going nuts xD) and some more friends who actually live in London, and I'm all set. ... Oh wait.