Spring Break and the Diet

Mar 20, 2011 12:58

Overall it hasn't been a terrible week, I just don't do well with unstructured time.  I tend to revert to LAZYgirl and not get out of bed.

I haven't gotten much accomplished, I also fell off the the diet one day, but not too bad, I just ate two girl scout cookies that had been delivered.  I had forgotten I had ordered them ...  I haven't had a Dr Pepper in almost two weeks so that is good, and I have increased my water by 100% at least.  Just need to keep busy and that way I am productive.

The major success was going to the Rodeo and not eating funnel cake, roasted corn, sausage on a stick with onions and peppers, fried oreos, nachos or french fries.  It all looked and smelt so gooooooood... but I resisted!

Tomorrow is weigh in day, so we shall see how I did.


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