Mar 08, 2011 21:40
So I have reached an unacceptable weight. I have tried moderating my food myself, portion control, all the things they tell you... I know them all, but do I do them? No! So a friend at school also has a comparable amount of weight to lose, so we have decided to do the Medifast plan . Granted, he will probably reach his goal before me simply because he is a man, but I think we are going to do great on it. I went before my birthday for the consultation and then on Friday last I went to enroll.
The plan is simple. 5 Meal Replacements (shakes, bars, soups, puddings, etc) from Medifast, 1 lean/green meal (lean protein and 3 servings green veggies), and eight glasses of water a day. There are supplements and some optional snacks but so far I have been so full at the end of the day...
So, I will try not to ramble about this too much, but I am going to work on tracking what I eat and any feelings associated with it.
Day 1 - Monday, March 7th
7:00 am Breakfast - Chocolate Shake & 2 glasses water - home in kitchen
8:30 - 3 glasses water - in car on way to dentist
10:00am -Vanilla Shake and EmergenC packet- dentist office waiting room
12:00 - Med Diet Dr. Pepper and Chocolate Peanut Butter Bar - in car sitting, reading Kindle
4:00 - Chili's Grilled Chicken & Double portion Broccoli, Ice Tea with Splenda, 2 glasses water - Dinner with David! :)
6:30 - Strawberry Shake with Banana extract (so so) & 1 glass water - In kitchen while cooking lean and green meals for week
9:00 - Chocolate Shake, 1 glass water while getting ready for bed
9:30 - 1 glass water, Omegas, medications
Mood: Overall good, had a few moments of stress and really wanted to CHEW when I got to Lean and Green Meal.
Body: Little Headache (Dr. Pepper withdrawal?), Energy was good most of day, got very tired around 7:30
Day 2 - Tuesday, March 8th
6:45 - 3 glasses water, supplements, Chocolate Shake - in kitchen getting food ready to go for day
10:00 - Strawberry Shake (so so) - teaching and arguing with awful children
11:00 - 4 celery sticks & 2 glasses water
12:00 - Vanilla Shake - made with ice in bullet (yummy) sat down and talked to Wes
1:00 - 3:00 - 3 glasses water
6:00 - Lean and Green - Mediterranean Grilled Chicken and Salad - Diet Dr. Pepper + Chocolate Peanut Butter bar (for skipped meal)
9:00 - Chocolate Peanut Butter Bar 2 glasses water - on couch at girl's house while babysitting
Mood: Cranky, Easily angered, irritable.
Body: Tired, Headache, Few muscle aches
And thus ends the second day ... I am off to drink more water and take Omegas and medication and sleep... Mr. B's mommy just got home!
food journal,